Information Displays

Information is a very common use-case for digital displays. You can use Castmill from everything such as outdoor screens showing real-time information to in-office displays providing information for the co-workers.

There are normally 2 types of information that you can display on digital signage screens:
Static content. You upload images or videos with the information that you want to present. This is normally fine when the rate of update is not very high. Maybe you replace the content once per week or per month.
Dynamic content. In this case you need to update the information in real-time. This can be the case for dashboards with KPI or other types of information for the office space. It is also typical for outdoor signs with real-time information for bus schedules, or any other type of transportation. Finally, it could be news widgets that gather the latests news or weather information.
For dynamic information you normally will need a custom integration to the systems providing the information, please contact us to discuss your needs.